1.1. Day to day interpretation of these By-Laws shall be the responsibility of the Swan Active staff present at the time.

1.2. Appeals against interpretation shall be taken up with the on duty Sports Program Team Leader on the day.

1.3. Unresolved appeals against interpretation can be lodged in writing to Swan Active.

1.4. All  Volleyball Australia rules shall apply unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.


2.1. Swan Active’s Teams must register via either the Sportfix website or app.https://www.swanactive.com.au/sports/adult-competitions/

2.2. The team representative registering a team on Sportfix must accept the Competition By-Laws and Swan Active Conditions of Entry.

2.3. After the season has commenced, to register a new player to the team an email must be sent to Swan Active.

2.4. No premiership points will be awarded to non-financial teams and they may be withdrawn from the competition.

2.5. All players must have current first and last names registered as required on Sportfix. Captains and vice-captains must have first and last names, contact numbers and email addresses registered on Sportfix.

2.6. If a player, fill in or guest player has not provided sufficient information on Sportfix for the purposes of official correspondence, including the processing of a Management Inquiry, the designated team contact will be required to take the responsibility of identifying and informing that player of any issues which arise in relation to that player’s involvement in game.

2.7. Failure to assist in these matters may result in disciplinary action against the team, including withdrawing the team from the competition.

2.8. Grading and re-grading of teams will be at the sole discretion of Swan Active. Grading is subject to change up to three (3) weeks after grading has been completed.

2.9. The team representative who registers the team in Sportfix must distribute copies of these By-Laws and Swan Active Conditions of Entry to all players, team officials and spectators.


3.1. Subject to by-law 3.4, teams are required to pay a non-refundable nomination fee for the season equal to the game fees for two (2) games.

3.2. The nomination fee must be paid prior to the first match (in addition to the first game fee).

3.3. If a team is financial (i.e. has no outstanding fees payable), and has not withdrawn or been removed from the competition, Swan Active will apply their nomination fee as the game fees payable for their final two (2) matches of the season.

3.4. If a team is financial, has not withdrawn or been removed from the competition, and is not able to have their nomination fee applied under by-law 3.3 (for example, because an opposing team forfeits one of the relevant games), then at the end of the season the team can elect for any remaining nomination fee amount that has not
been applied to be either:

3.4.1 returned in full; or
3.4.2 if the team has registered for the following season — rolled forward as the team’s nomination fee or part of the team’s nomination fee for the following season.


4.1. If a team wants to forfeit they must notify Swan Active by providing a minimum of 48 hours’ notice in writing to avoid incurring a forfeit fee.

4.2. If no match is played, then a forfeit fee of one (1) team game fee will apply to the team responsible for the forfeit in the event that less than 48 hours’ notice is provided.

4.3. If a team has paid game fees for a match that does not occur because the opposing team forfeits the match, the team can choose to:

4.3.1 if Swan Active is able to arrange for an alternative scratch match to be played — play that scratch match (game fees are payable for scratch matches);
4.3.2 have the game fees refunded to the team; or
4.3.3 have the game fees applied as a credit for the next game fees that are payable by the team in the current or following season.

4.4. Any team forfeiting twice in any one season may be removed from the competition without notice at the discretion of Swan Active.

4.5. Any team that has two unpaid forfeit fees outstanding at once will be removed from the competition without notice.

4.6. Premiership points that are not awarded due to outstanding forfeit fees will not be able to be recouped once payment is made.

4.7. Forfeit fees must be paid by the next fixtured game.

4.8. Registrations for new seasons will not be accepted from teams with outstanding debts.


5.1. All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each match (same colour and not clashing of numbers).

5.2. Four (4) weeks grace will be allowed from the commencement of a season for players to produce conforming uniforms. If players are not in correct uniforms after this time a two (2) point penalty will be enforced for each offending player.

5.3. Any new player/s joining a team during the course of a season will be required to wear conforming uniform.

5.4. A team replacing another team at any time during the season in progress shall be allowed four (4) weeks grace to produce a conforming uniform.

5.5. Board shorts, denim shorts/jeans and track pants are not considered as suitable attire.

5.6. Player’s shoes must be enclosed; leisure based, non-marking and not contain steel caps.

5.7. Fill in players must wear similar uniform to avoid penalties against the team. The decision to impose any penalty will be at the discretion of the Sports Program Team Leader on duty.


6.1. Players must be 16 years or older to register in a team.

6.2. Teams are required to ensure score cards display the players that are present and ready to play for the fixtured match.

6.3. The penalty for including the names of players who are not present and ready to play in the match is a loss of all premiership points accrued for that season.

6.4. Late arrival players who are ready to play may have their name included on the official match score sheet before half time. Should it be discovered during the course of a match that the name of an on-court player does not appear on the score sheet, the players name may be added without penalty.

6.5. A substitute player who is present and ready to play but does not actually participate in the match shall be considered a legal player as long as they are financial (i.e. paid their game fee) and have their name on the score sheet.

6.6. Any registered player shall not be permitted to play for another team in the same grade unless approved by Swan Active.

6.7. Players must only play for their registered team and are ineligible to fill in for lower ranked divisions or grades. If this occurs it will result in an immediate forfeit. The game may continue to be played with no refunds given. Whilst Swan Active recognises the right to introduce new players during the season, Swan Active reserves the right not to allow teams to increase their playing strength beyond the capability of the grade in which they play by the introduction of such players.

6.8. A player is only permitted to play in more than one (1) game on one night at the same venue to assist a team to avoid a forfeit. A player may not play for more than one team in finals weeks.

6.9. The team captain may (in writing) ask for special permission from Swan Active for non-eligible players to play finals matches. The decision will be made on a case-by-case basis with no guarantees.


7.1. To qualify for finals matches, a player must have played at least four (4) minor round matches for that team during the season.

7.2. A player is not permitted to play for more than one (1) team during the final series in the same grade and can only play for the team they are registered to play for.

7.3. Swan Active has the right to ask for proof of identification for any player believed to be playing under another name.

7.4. Due to a team’s inability to play finals, Swan Active has the right to approve teams to play in place of the team unable to play.


8.1. All teams must provide their own scorer for the duration of the game. Failure to provide a scorer will leave the offending team no recourse to challenge the score.

8.2. A team shall be held responsible for the conduct of its players, coaches and other members and spectators. Swan Active staff have the capacity to penalise offending teams and spectators and offending teams and spectators may be removed from the courts and facility.

8.3. Team Captains can approach the umpires during the set breaks to discuss any queries with umpiring decisions.

8.4. All players must ensure, to the satisfaction of the umpire that fingernails, rings, chains, piercings, jewellery, medical casts, and other apparel do not present a hazard to other players. This may include cutting, taping of medical bracelets, or removal of items.


9.1. Players, teams, team officials and spectators shall be subject to a Management Inquiry for any form of misconduct.

9.2. If Swan Active receives a written complaint about any player, team, team official or spectator or if Swan Active deems it necessary, then they may tender a case against that player, team, team official or spectator for misconduct.

9.3. Misconduct shall include but not be limited to abusive language, unsporting conduct, undue rough play, resisting, striking and attempted striking or any action or behaviour that contravenes the Conditions of Entry or Competition By-Laws.

9.4. The Swan Active official shall complete an Incident Report Form which shall be lodged at the location where the incident occurred.

9.5. Swan Active may deem it necessary, at its sole discretion, to conduct a Management Inquiry.

9.6. All players, teams, team officials, parents and spectators are required to participate in a Management Inquiry and provide requested information to Swan Active if asked to do so. Failure to cooperate with a Management Inquiry by the reported person or other relevant participants without prior written notification to Swan Active may be
interpreted as an admission of guilt and Swan Active may hand down any penalty it considers appropriate in that person’s absence.

9.7. A player, team official or spectator found guilty from the Management Inquiry may appeal the decision.

9.8. The appellant player, team official or spectator must lodge the appeal in writing to Swan Active within 48 hours of notification of the decision with sufficient grounds for the appeal as well as an appeal fee of one match payment.

9.9. All appeal decisions will be final.


10.1. In the event of misconduct by players, substitutes, coaches or spectators, the umpires have the authority to abandon matches. Decisions in relation to the outcome of abandoned matches will be determined by Swan Active.


11.1. The penalty for playing illegal players is the automatic forfeit of the match or matches in which the offences occurred.
Illegal players are defined as follows:

  • Playing in more than one grade on one night unless approved by Swan Active.
  • Failing to pay the appropriate game fee.
  • Playing under an assumed name.
  • Non- observance of the eligibility criteria for finals matches.
  • Playing while under suspension.
  • Playing while under suspension by any affiliated club, association or organisation.


12.1. Points shall be awarded on the following basis

  • Win 3 points
  • Loss 1 point
  • Draw 2 points
  • Bye 2 points
  • Forfeit 0 points

12.2. Teams joining the competition after the commencement of the season will receive premiership points equal with the last team and nil for or against scores.

12.3. Premiership points are not awarded during the grading period.


13.1. Protests from teams or players are to be lodged in writing to Swan Active within forty eight (48) hours of the alleged incident.


14.1. A match cannot commence until both teams present the proof of payment to the umpire.

14.2. A match cannot commence until  full names appear on the score sheet.

14.3. A match cannot commence with less than four (4) players. When a team has four (4) players ready to play, the match must commence.

14.4.  If a team does not have four (4) players ready to start, a penalty of one (1) point per minute or part thereof will be awarded until four (4) players are on the playing court ready to start.

14.5.  Should the other player/s arrive ready to play before the expiration of ten (10) minutes after the official starting time, the match will proceed as a normal game. If no other players arrive within ten (10) minutes of the start time the game will be considered a forfeit and points awarded to the opposition team accordingly.

14.6. The final score awarded for a forfeit will be three (3) sets to nil.


15.1. In the event of an equal score at the conclusion of the third set, then the match will be considered a draw and each team will be awarded two (2) premiership points.

15.2. In the event of a draw in any finals match with the conclusion of full time then the match will be continued by until a team gets an advantage of two (2) points. If a result is not achieved within five (5) minutes, the umpire will note the team of sudden death, with the next team who wins a point, will be deemed the winner.


16.1. In finals matches, play shall only be stopped for an injury at the umpire’s discretion for a period not exceeding three (3) minutes after which the match shall be recommenced.

16.2. In minor round matches time cannot be held for injury.

16.3. Any injured player who cannot be moved from the court should not do so. If due to injury the game is abandoned, Swan Active shall decide the outcome of the match.

16.4. Games shall commence on time and will finish when a team wins 2 sets (the last set is first to 15)

16.5. Games shall commence and finish on the location’s timing sirens.

16.6. Time clocks will start at scheduled game times. Time clocks will not be delayed to wait for the arrival of teams or players.

16.7. Should the game time expire before a team wins two sets, the score will stand at the end of the allocated 40 minute time slot for that set, and the winning team will be awarded the points.


17.1. All Indoor Volleyball matches shall run over a 40 minute time slot, with one (1) minute breaks after each set.


18.1. Trophies or prizes shall be awarded to winning premiership teams and runners up to a maximum of eight (8) players.


19.1. Teams can withdraw from the competition prior to the end of the season without penalty. A request to withdraw from the competition must be in writing.


20.1. A mixed volleyball team consists of six (6) players. The team must have no less than one (1) and no more than three (3) males on court at any one time.

20.2. The maximum number of males on court at any time must not exceed three (3).

20.3. A mixed indoor volleyball team has ten (10) minutes to have the correct male / female ratio on court, i.e. A team can start with three (3) males and one (1) female as long as the ratio is in place within ten (10) minutes.


21.1. Level One
Verbal warning to offending player/s if officials perceive misconduct, officials will establish why warning was given (game can be halted to enable this).

21.2. Level Two
Swan Active Official will remove player from court for a time period of two (2) goals. When a player is removed from the court there will be no replacement during that time period.

21.3. Level Three
Swan Active official will eject player from the game and an incident report will be lodged. Any player ejected from the game will be removed from the location and an automatic one-week suspension will be in place. Any further suspension for a specified number of consecutive games in the current or following season will be based on severity of incident and Management Inquiry outcome.

21.4. Swan Active officials have the right to enforce any level described in by-laws 21.1-21.3 at any time based on the severity of the incident.

21.5. Player Reports
It is not necessary for a player to be issued any level of warning/disqualifications prior to being reported. Players can be reported by any official for any form of misconduct. Swan Active officials may report a player without first issuing any warnings/disqualifications.

21.6. Removal from competition
Swan Active may in its sole discretion decide to remove any team from the competition having regard to the conduct and behaviour of the team or any player or spectators of the team, the safety of other teams, Swan Active staff and patrons, the result of any report lodged prepared under by-law 21.5, or any misconduct under by-law 9.


22.1. Swan Active provides the game balls, flip score board and score clocks. Players and spectators must not abuse any equipment provided.

22.2. If any equipment is damaged or not to standard please report this information to the Sports Program Team Leader on duty.


23.1. Payments must be paid to the customer service desk prior to the game commencement. The game will not commence until both teams provide a proof of payment to the umpires.

23.2. Please note fees and charges are subject to change annually and are effective in July each year (mid- season).


24.1. Fixturing of games will be at the sole discretion of Swan Active.

24.2. Swan Active reserves the right to change fixtures where necessary during the season.

24.3. Fixtures are available online. It is the team captain’s responsibility to ensure each player has a current copy of the fixtures.