Swan Active Midland is now open!

The refurbishment of Swan Active Midland is complete and we’re looking forward to welcoming the community back. The reopening has been a long time coming and we can’t wait to show everyone the improvements we’ve made, from our new gym to our upgraded indoor sports courts and pools.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up as a Member and enjoy all the facilities across three locations. Enjoy helpful fitness tips from our amazing instructors on how to stay at your fit best all year round – turning healthy habits into lifestyle changes that last.

Opening Hours

April - September
Opening Hours Pool Gym
Monday - Thursday 5:30am - 8.00pm 5:30am - 9pm
Friday 5:30am - 8.00pm 5:30am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 3pm 7am - 3pm
Sunday 7am - 3pm 7am - 3pm
Public Holidays 8am - 3pm 8am - 3pm
October - March
Opening Hours Pool Gym
Monday - Thursday 5.30am - 8.30pm 5.30am - 9pm
Friday 5.30am - 8.30pm 5.30am - 9pm
Saturday 7am - 6pm 7am - 6pm
Sunday 7am - 6pm 7am - 6pm
Public Holidays 7am- 6pm 7am- 6pm

Contact Midland

Required field

27 Gray Drive
Midvale WA 6056

P 08 9207 8888 E activemidland@swan.wa.gov.au

Other Locations

3 Community Mews Ballajura 6066

P 9207 8666 E activeballajura@swan.wa.gov.au

332 Benara Road Beechboro 6063

P 9207 8555 E activebeechboro@swan.wa.gov.au