Terms And Conditions for Swan Active Crèche Facilities
1. Licensing and Exemptions
1.1. The Crèche, operating within Swan Active Facilities, is exempt from the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012, ensuring safe and affordable child-minding services. It is also not governed by the Children and Community Services Act 2004.
1.2. To maintain this exemption, parents must remain on the premises, nearby, and readily available for their children’s immediate physical needs, such as comforting, feeding, or nappy changes, if required or requested by staff.
2. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
2.1. The parent or guardian responsible for the child/children seeking to attend the Crèche must complete and lodge, to the satisfaction of and with Crèche Staff:
i. Child Information Sheet;
ii. Birth certificate (for sighting only);
iii. Immunisation records (for sighting only); and
iv. Medical documents, such as anaphylaxis/asthma plans, declarations of allergies, and
doctor’s certificates regarding medical conditions (copy required, if applicable).
2.2. The parent or guardian dropping off a child must sign each child individually into the Crèche Register.
2.3. The parent or guardian who signs a child into the Crèche via the Crèche Register must be the same individual to sign them out. In cases where someone other than the parent/guardian who signed in the child is designated to collect the child, a Permission to Collect Form must be completed for each occasion, available upon request from the Crèche Staff.
2.4. Under no circumstances will Crèche Staff release a child to a person other than the parent/guardian who signs the child into the Crèche, unless:
- a valid Permission to Collect form has been lodged and accepted by Crèche Staff at the timeof signing in the child; and
- Crèche Staff being presented with valid photo identification by the person authorised to
- collect the child as detailed in the Permission to Collect Form.
2.5. At all times during a child’s attendance, the parent/guardian who checked them in must remain on the premises and within reasonable proximity to ensure the ongoing care of their child.
2.6. Parents and guardians remain responsible for their child/children while in attendance at the Crèche.
2.7. Parents and guardians must attend to their child’s needs, such as changing nappies, illness, unhappiness, feeding, or toileting when requested by staff.
3. Fees and charges
3.1. The fees and charges applicable for each child attending the Crèche is contained at: https://www.swanactive.com.au/prices.
4. Health and Safety
4.1. Parents and guardians must acknowledge the recommendation that their child be immunised before utilising the Crèche.
4.2 Any development of communicable illnesses by a child attending the Crèche must be promptly communicated to Crèche Staff. Any child with a contagious disease will be excluded from the Crèche in line with Western Australian Health Department recommendations.
4.3. Children exhibiting symptoms such as a rash, temperature, or a green runny nose will not be allowed in the Crèche.
4.4. In instances where a child is deemed too ill to remain, parents or guardians will be asked to promptly remove the child.
4.5. Parents and guardians are required to attend when their child needs medication. Crèche Staff are unable to administer medication (except life-saving).
4.6. Parents and guardians must inform Crèche Staff of any allergies by providing relevant information on the Child Information Sheet. Parents are required to provide an Anaphylaxis/Asthma action plan if their child is anaphylactic or asthmatic. Any allergies, medications, and relevant medical conditions must be notified in writing to Crèche Staff.
4.7. Parents and guardians must ensure that children have on them, or within their personal items (in their bag), all required medication in accordance with their disclosed medical conditions, including but not limited to, epi-pens and Ventolin puffers.
4.8. Parents and guardians are under a continued obligation to update Crèche Staff regarding any changes to the child’s medical conditions, diagnoses, or developing allergies and care requirements. Parents may be required to complete a new Child Information Sheet at the discretion of Crèche Staff.
5. Attendance and Belongings
5.1. The Crèche accommodates children aged no younger than 8 weeks and no older than 5 years. For the avoidance of doubt, once a child turns 6, they can no longer attend the Crèche.
5.2. Each child is allowed to attend the Crèche for a maximum of 2 hours per day. This restriction is in place to ensure fair access for all parents and children.
5.3. Children must be fed prior to attending the Crèche, however, are allowed to bring a fruit, vegetables or plain rice crackers as a snack in a clearly marked container or bag prepared for safe consumption.
5.4. Children may bring a toy or comfort item, provided it is suitable for a crèche environment.
5.5. Children must have a wide-brimmed or legionnaire cap and sunscreen to be allowed to play outdoors.
5.6. A change of clothes in the child’s bag is required in case of accidents.
5.7. Children wearing nappies must also have spare nappies, wipes, and a change mat in their bag.
5.8. All personal belongings must be clearly labelled, and the City of Swan, along with Crèche Staff, assumes no responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal items brought by parents or children to the Crèche.
6. Emergency Contacts
6.1. Parents and guardians must provide a minimum of two authorised emergency contacts on the Child Information Sheet, with one being the primary caregiver, ensuring that prompt and appropriate contacts are available in case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.
7. Behavioural Guidelines
7.1. The Crèche maintains a strict policy against inappropriate behaviour. In cases of behavioural issues, the protocol involves two warnings, followed by a timeout, and ultimately, the collection of the child by the parent or guardian. Repeated instances of behavioural issues may result in the child being denied admission to the Crèche in the future.
7.2. The Conditions of Entry for Swan Active apply to users of the Creche. The Conditions of Entry can be found at: https://www.swanactive.com.au/terms-and-conditions/conditions-of-entry/
8. Accidents and Incidents
8.1 Accidents are inevitable in children’s play activities. In the event of an accident, Crèche Staff will secure the environment, address any medical needs, and inform parents or guardians at the earliest convenience.
8.2. Parents or guardians are required to sign an Incident Acknowledgement Form prepared by Crèche Staff, documenting the accident and all actions taken.
9. Toileting and Nappy Changes
9.1. Crèche Staff may assist children in going to the toilet, maintaining an open-door policy for transparency in the care provided. In situations where staff cannot attend to a child’s toileting needs promptly, parents or guardians will be informed and are required to attend to their child’s needs.
9.2. Crèche Staff may change a child’s nappy, ensuring that a minimum of two staff members are present in the room during the process. If staff are unable to attend to a soiled nappy promptly, parents will be notified and must attend to their child’s needs.
10. Refusal of entry
10.1. Regular or repeated breaches of any obligation under this Agreement or Swan Active Conditions of Entry may result in refusal of the child/children’s admittance to the Crèche.
10.2. False or misleading information provided on the Child Information Sheet or other records provided to the City of Swan may result in refusal of the child/children’s admittance to the Crèche.
10.3. The City of Swan reserves the right at its sole discretion to not accept children to the Crèche who require supervision and care beyond a reasonable standard expected within a Crèche, or that exceeds the capability of Crèche Staff.
11. Definitions
Agreement means:
a. the completed Child Information Sheet;
b. Swan Active Conditions of Entry; and
c. these terms and conditions.
Crèche means the child-minding service run by Crèche Staff within City of Swan operated leisure centres known as Swan Active.
Crèche Staff means the members of staff employed by the City of Swan to provide, manage and operate the Crèche.
Crèche Register means the daily register located at the front desk of the Crèche where parents or guardians sign in and sign out their children when attending the Crèche.
Child/ children in the context of this Agreement means a child or children between the age of 8 weeks and up to 6 years who attends or may attend the Crèche.
Child Information Sheet is the form parents or guardians are required to complete such details as their child’s name, date of birth and medical information in order for their child to be registered to attend the Crèche.
City of Swan (the ‘City’) being a local government established under the Local Government Act 1995 (WA).
Facility (or Facilities) includes any of the City of Swan’s premises, gyms, swimming pool, spa, sauna, Crèche, bathrooms, and all exercise areas.
Incident Acknowledgement Form is the form presented to parents/guardians which they are required to sign in acknowledgement of being informed of any incidents, injuries or accidents that occurred which may have affected their child physically or emotionally.
Parent/ guardian means the legal guardian responsible for a child or children who attend or may attend the Crèche.
Parent Information Sheet means the information that is provided to parents and guardians when registering their children to attend the Crèche.
Permission to Collect Form means the form provided to Crèche Staff by the parent/guardian of the child authorising a person other than the parent/guardian who signs the child into the Crèche to sign the child out of the Crèche to collect the child/children.